It’s time for our 2023 Grand Slam! It will take place on Tuesday, November 28 at 7 pm at West Art Community Center.

Tickets are on sale now. They’re limited, so get yours while the gettin’s good.

The theme of the evening will be Twist of Fate, and our emcee will be Lancaster Story Slam founder and producer emeritus, Carla Wilson!

Our Grand Slam is the culminating event of the year where we bring back our monthly winners from this year to compete for the the title of "Best Storyteller in Lancaster," their name engraved on the Storytellers’ Cup, and a trophy to take home. Our finalists this year include:

Swapna Deshpande - January/Family Matters
Stephanie Eagleson and Jeremy Rubenstein
- February/Are You Sure?
Marianne Sheely - March/Lost and Found
Steve McLean and Sib Nafziger Charles - April/Storm Clouds
Ashley Harbinson - May/Overqualified
Stephanie Kager - June/Easy Does It
Alison Kibler - July/FAQs
Beth Celley and David Ryan - August/Just Trying to Help
Tim McGuinness - September/Oops!
Doc Yoder - October/Potluck (open theme)

Here’s a playlist of all the winning stories from this season!