Photo by Randy Flaum

We hope to see you on April 25 at 7 pm at Zoetropolis for this month’s story slam. The theme is Storm Clouds.

Tickets are on sale now. Please visit our Tickets page to get yours.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm that evening, and we start telling stories at 7 pm.

What type of stories fit the theme Storm Clouds?

Trouble ahead, a warning, or advance notice of a refreshing downpour that will clear the air? Who knows what storm clouds portend. Events and situations can sneak up on us. Conversations, actions, choices, and misunderstandings gather and coalesce eventually becoming noticeable thunderheads on the horizon—ominous warnings. Yet warnings are a kindness, allowing us to prepare as best we can for life’s inevitable pitfalls. Tell us of storm clouds heeded or ignored, or unseen. However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories.

If you have a story, sign in at the table in the back of the theater when you arrive.