
Pat Carmody  was the winner of our “Wake Up Call” Story Slam. Pat explained that he’s not a morning person and told the story of having to get his children around for school - an activity he didn’t really enjoy until hearing one day when dropping off his son’s  they heard the song “Enjoy Every Sandwich” by Warren Zevon on the radio. Pat’s story won him the prized pint glass and earned him a spot in the 2019 Grand Slam!

Our “Wake Up Call” Story Slam started off with our emcee for the night, Melissa Snavely, who told a story about the importance of being fearless. Donna Talarico-Beerman told us about how a milestone birthday culminated in a wake up call for her. Beth Horenkamp share a story about the relationship wake up call she and her husband got early in their marriage. Patricia Cahill shared her wake up call about her obsession with writing. 


Thanks to all our many talented storytellers, the judges, and everyone who came out to laugh, applaud, and be a part of our storytelling community. Big thanks to our emcee, Melissa Snavely, as well.

Our next Story Slam is themed "Curiosity" and will be held on Tuesday, July 23rd. Make sure to save the date and order your tickets online in advance!

Check out Pat’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the Lancaster Story Slam YouTube Channel.